12 articles Tag trash hauling

What Can Garbage Tell Us About History?

For most of human history trash was not picked up. Garbage removal consisted mostly of either burying trash, burning trash, or leaving trash where it fell. What can this lack of garbage removal tell us about our past? Quite a bit it turns out. Archaeologists frequently sift through garbage from ancient civilizations to find out how they ate and lived day to to day. Archaeologists have even found old beer recipes from Ancient Egypt in …

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What Did Native Americans Do With Their Trash?

In modern and postmodern society it is easy to forget that trash pick up is a relatively modern invention. Organized trash pick up didn’t exist until the late 1800s. And began in cities like New York and Paris. Most of rural America didn’t have trash pick up until the 1950s.  So how did the world deal with trash before trash pick up? Trash wasn’t a huge health concern until people began living in cities. Native …

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