There are dozens of hauling services in Los Angeles. Probably a hundred or more if you count every Mom and Pop company with a pick up truck and a magnetic sign. Most hauling services are great. True professionals that can help you haul away just about anything. There are a few hauling services in Los Angeles however that ruin it for everyone else. These guys are the bait and switchers, the guys who don’t show up, and the hauling services that charge credit cards and never do the job. So how do you avoid those guys?

Tip #1: Find a hauling service in Los Angeles that has been in business for a a few years. People do find great new companies all the time. But the newer the company the better the chance you have of getting taken to the cleaners. So find a hauling service in Los Angeles that has been in operation for a couple of years.

Tip #2: Avoid hauling services that want you to book with a credit card. No, a hauling service isn’t like reserving a hotel or rental a car. So if you plan to pay in cash or with a check, avoid hauling services that demand credit cards before they do a job. 

Tip #3: Don’t get suckered by pressure tactics. Occasionally hauling services will try to pressure you into paying more than the price estimated. “You need to pay us $200 more or else!” But ask yourself, or else what? If your hauling service tries to jack up the price, claiming that they’ll just unload your items and go, call their bluff. Let them spend their time and gas loading and unloading stuff. Then you call a legit hauling service to haul away what they wouldn’t.

Tip #4: Use a hauling service that is licensed and insured. Every business that operates in Los Angeles needs to have a business license and some type of insurance. If you use a hauling service that is operating without a license chances are you are going to be hiring unskilled professionals or scammers.

Tip #5: Check out your hauling service before you book them. Internet review sites like Yelp and Angie’s List provide a great way to verify your hauling service’s reputation. Also check them out with the Los Angeles Better Business Bureau.