In most cases, junk removal services in Los Angeles work on a 9am to 5pm or 9am to 6pm timeline for residential junk removal. But if you run a business that is dependent on customers, like a retail outlet or an office where a majority of your staff works a standard eight hour day, then you may not want a trash removal or junk removal service tromping through your space during your normal working hours. So what to do?

Ask your junk removal service if they offer an overnight trash removal or junk removal service for businesses and commercial clients. Most junk removal services have an overnight junk removal service for business. If not many junk removal services will work to accommodate your needs.

But a junk removal service in Los Angeles will most likely charge extra for an overnight junk removal / slash removal service. However, paying extra may be worth it if it spares your customers and employees a major inconvenience.